Academic Writing: 10 Essential Essays You Should Know
Academic writing is a part of college and university education and requires a lot of effort by students to ace. The essay is a major part of academic writing. No matter at what stage of academic education you are, at some point, you will be required to produce an essay, and it will carry a lot of weightage in your final grade. Students are always on the lookout for services that can provide premium essay writing services at affordable rates. Many services online can help you in better academic writing. There are a few essential essays that you will be required to write at some point in your academic career. These will range from very basic essays to a few complex ones. If you have the skills to write a basic essay, you can most definitely also nail a complex essay by following the same guidelines.
1. Expository Essay
This is a branch of essays that further breakdowns into several subtypes of essays. This is a type of essay that presents a very well-balanced explanation of a topic. This can also be an analysis of the topic as per the writer’s perspective. This essay is purely based on facts and information available rather than your writer’s own personal preferences or opinions.
2. Descriptive Essay
As the name describes, descriptive essays are very evocative; five senses are utilized in composing these essays. A descriptive essay will talk about feelings, sounds, or emotions and then further explain those using similar senses. The one thing that is very true to a descriptive essay is show and don’t tell. The writer must make sure that whatever is written is descriptive enough for the reader to imagine the entire scene in his head.
3. Definition Essay
A definition essay illustrates what a particular word or term means, and that essay will be written, defining that. This essay can also be debatable, which means you can pick up a double-meaning word and then try to make your readers choose one meaning or choose the side you are on.
4. Cause and Effect Essay
As the name says, it deals with the reason and impact of certain aspects. These are some of the most common academic writing essays; most of the environmental essay written falls in this category. The points you establish in the essay have to be supported by foolproof points to prove your point of view and the information you have presented in the essay.
5. Narrative Essay
This is one of the easiest essays to write. As the name explains, a narrative essay narrates a story or dialogue or your position on a particular topic. You have to present the information as if you are having a conversation with your reader. These essays are usually the writer’s personal experiences that he puts in the form of a story to tell his readers. A narrative essay will talk about the feelings of the writer and will also be in chronological order.
6. Process Essay
In this essay, a process is explained; how to do a particular thing step by step, and then the results are shown at the very end. If the process essay is written well, the result could be very surprising for the reader. The essay’s title must be very descriptive, so the reader knows what to expect of the essay. The objective of the essay is to write in such a way that no questions are left unanswered.
7. Argumentative Essay
This is another essay that students will often encounter during their academic careers. This essay’s topic can be controversial, and then you have to argue why you support one side of the argument. At the beginning of the essay, both opinions will be presented side by side, but as the essay progresses; you will choose a side you will advocate in the essay. Your argument should be based on facts rather than only your own opinion. Remember, you are writing to change the perspective of the reader about the topic.
8. Critical Essay
This type of essay presents an evaluation of a topic and our own interpretation of it. This essay can be on a book, a movie, or a controversy that you want to write about and dissect for your readers. This will have a critique as well as your praise about the particular topic. This will portray your attitude about a particular topic, and this will help your audience also understand your stance.
9. Informational Essay
This is the simplest form of essay. Remember, in the primary grades; the teacher used to ask you to write essays on myself, my mother, or my favorite book. This is the category those essays fall right into. This essay only points out the information; hence, the information is stated, and no opinions or controversies are involved in this essay.
10. Persuasive Essay
A persuasive essay is, as the name explains, written to persuade writers about a particular topic. This essay’s end goal is to convert your reader to have the same opinion as you have, and if your writing can do that, you are a successful persuasive writer. This could be a topic that the public is sensitive to, and that is why it is important to be careful when writing the essay. You do not need to be too harsh with your readers, or else they won’t take long in leaving the reading. You need to have enough points to support your thesis and then gradually make your reader understand your point of view.
These are the ten academic essays that you will have to write about at some point in your academic career. Each essay is different from the other; you need to make sure that you have enough information about the topic and the type of essay before you sit down to write one. It is significant that you understand each type of essay’s requirement so that the composition can be impactful for the reader.